Yardley Beer Fest
Yardley, PA

The First Annual Yardley Beer Fest was a resounding success. Over 800 people showed up throughout the day to partake of some of the areas best brews as well as some fine food and music. It was a charity event supporting the Yardley Flood Relief Mitigation Fund.
With all the competition from long-running fests (Brandywine) and some new ones(Savor and Pints for Pets) they only expected about 450 people, but the locals all came out to show their support and enjoy the beautiful weather. Walking through the crowd, I could hear that most of these people were not beer savvy and that they were surprised at some of the flavors they discovered. I think we made a few recruits that day!

Beer door prizes!
The event was held at Buttonwood Park right in the heart of the town and parking was not the easiest. Bathroom space was also overwhelmed by the unexpected numbers. Next year will be better!
But all in all, the promoters did an outstanding job of keeping things going in a forward direction.
Many of the breweries ran out of beer and distributors had to restock from their warehouses to keep the beer flowing.
Definitely a good time was had by all and will be a new event added to the list every year. Look for the date in 2009.