Needless to say, there was
great anticipation for this dinner. Stephen always puts on a great event.
He is one of the best speakers on food and drink that I have had the pleasure
to know. A real class act who is extremely knowledgeable on many culinary
subjects and is an all-around regular guy.
He has been traveling a
lot as of late and doesn't see a slowdown soon. He recently toured Belgium
and parts of Germany with local drinks writer, Lew Bryson. From the blogs,
it was a very successful journey.
Well, I started out the
evening with a De Ranke XX Bitter on draft and got a chance to converse
with SB before the start of the dinner. It had been almost a year since
we had seen him and it was a pleasure as always. Our welcome beer was a
great one, '02 Cantillon St. Lamvinus, a blend of lambics aged in oak casks
with cabernet sauvignon grapes. This is not an easy one to find and is
certainly not cheap as you can imagine. I love lambics and this was especially
The next beer is another
favorite of mine. It is one of those that you either love or hate. Deus
from Brouwerij Bosteels is made by the methode champenoise, a long and
labor intensive regime that naturally carbonates the beer and removes the
sediment prior to corking and caging. It is wonderfully fizzy and delicately
flavored. The Lobster and Mussel Beaumont was not overpowered by this delicate
brew and accompanied it perfectly.
Usually by now, we are stuffed
with all the food and beer we get, and I thought I could coast through
the rest of the dinner until I saw the Wood Grilled Cowboy Ribeye that
was being served next. A plate full of steak and vegetables that could
sate the largest appetite. To be on the safe side, I took most of it home
for an enjoyable lunch the next day. The beer that was served with it was
a rare one, especially on the East Coast. Firestone Walker Brewing Co does
not make it out this far and is only tasted at the likes of the GABF. This
particular brew was their 11th Anniversary beer, aged in oak bourbon barrels
and was quite malty with all the accompanying flavors from the barrels...vanilla
and bourbon. Excellent! It must have taken the combined pull of Stephen
and Tom to get this one!
For those who have been
to Monk's Cafe, it is no surprise that Tom Peters has an extensive cellar
of aging beers. He brought one out of his collection for the next course.....a
4 year old JW Lee's Harvest Ale in a calvados wooden cask. Being a fan
of this beer, I could not get enough of this selection, though at 11% it
is not advisable to overdo it especially when more is yet to come. A cheese
plate of 4 styles set off this wonderful brew: Brillat Savarin, Jerome
French Munster, Le Delice de Bourgogne and Cabot Cheddar aged 2 years.
Not being a big cheese eater, I left some to the wife.
Chocolate Bourbon Bread
Pudding exited from the kitchen to an eager though stuffed crowd. To wash
this fine delicacy down was another rare one from the Left Coast. Port
Brewing's Older Viscosity had a hop and currant nose with a warm, dark
fruity flavor and a light hop finish. I don't think I need to tell you
how good this pairing was!
For the piece de resistance,
Samuel Adams was nice enough to provide a supply of '07 Utopias for the
dinner. The rep from SA gave us the rundown on the beer(?) and its production.
Many will argue that it's not beer at all, but splitting hairs should not
detract from the sheer pleasure of this beverage. Another one that is loved
or hated, I happen to enjoy it immensely. I have a bottle saved from '04
that I want served on my death bed. The very warm brandyish notes makes
this a great company for the smooth chocolates that came with it. At 25%,
it is like having a scotch or brandy after dinner.
Stephen has had some crazy
dinners here and I don't know how he's going to top this one. A great time
was enjoyed by all and we looked forward to returning to Monk's the next
day for another PBW happening!